Breadcrumb Home Commonly-Used Acronyms Commonly-Used Acronyms AAALAC American Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care AAAN Award Activation and Authorization Notice AAHRPP Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs ACURF Animal Care and Use Request Form BSRPC Basic Science Radiation Safety Committee CBB Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing CDA Confidential Disclosure Agreement CMRF Central Microscopy Research Facilities COI Conflict of Interest CTA Clinical Trial Agreement DEO Department Executive Officer DSP Division of Sponsored Programs eCOI Electronic Conflict of Interest system EHS Environmental Health and Safety Office eRA Electronic Research Administration system F&A Facilities and Administrative (indirect) Costs FWA Federalwide Assurance GAO Grant Accounting Office GIVF Grow Iowa Value's Fund seed grant GPN Grant Program Number HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act hPSCC Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Committee HRMSF High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Facility HSO Human Subjects Office IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IATL Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories IBC Institutional Biosafety Committee IBE Individual Bioequivalence ICTS Institute for Clinical and Translational Science IDE Investigational Device Exemption IFI Internal Funding Initiatives IO Institutional Official IP Intellectual Property IRB Institutional Review Board ISRC Iowa Social Science Research Center JPEC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center MFK Master File Key MRPC Medical Radiation Protection Committee MTA Material Transfer Agreement NNI@UI Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute at the University of Iowa OAR Office of Animal Resources OVPR Office of the Vice President for Research RCR Responsible Conduct of Research RFA Request for Application RFP Request for Proposals SOW Statement of Work (bottom of page) TIC Technology Innovation Center UIRF UI Research Foundation UIRIS University of Iowa Research Information System VAMC Veteran's Affairs Medical Center WINS Winning Institutional Nomination System IND Investigational New Drug WIRB Western Institutional Review Board