1. Whom do I contact?
  2. What are my responsibilities?

1. Whom do I contact?

To work effectively within the university research environment, you will collaborate with several regulatory offices on campus that have staff ready to assist you with the process. 

Specific guidance on who to contact for each regulatory area (human subjects research, conflict of interest, environmental health and safety, and many more) is available in Section 2: Regulatory Approvals

2. What are my responsibilities?

According to the UI Policy Manual (Section V-5.3 Project Management Responsibilities), the project director's approval of the proposal routing form indicates his or her agreement to assume responsibility for project fiscal management; to abide by all University, governmental, and sponsor certifications, policies, and regulations; and to report any inventions or financial conflicts of interest in accordance with prescribed University policies. 

High-level overviews of your various regulatory responsibilities for conducting research at Iowa are described in Section 2: Regulatory Approvals and Section 5: Responsible Conduct of Research.

Please also review the Division of Sponsored Programs website for additional information about UI’s Routing Policy and Procedures.