- Home
- Table of Contents
- 1. What should I do before I start?
- 1d. Transferring animals
1d. Transferring animals
Main navigation
- 1a. Research Navigation Tool for New Faculty and Research Scientists
- 1b: Identifying research space
- 1c: Obtaining regulatory approvals and requirements
- 1d. Transferring animals
- 1e. Transferring funding
- 1f: Identifying contacts
- 1g: Core facilities and resources
- 1h. Obtaining licenses for controlled substances
- 1i. Transferring human subjects research data or specimens
All animal shipments to or from another research institutions must be arranged through:
Office of Animal Resources (OAR)
Shipping Coordinator
319-335-7985 sends e-mail)
The Office of Animal Resources has very detailed steps and instructions on transferring animals to or from the University of Iowa and other research institutions mapped out on their website.
Learn more about conducting animal research at the University of Iowa in Section 2b: Working with animals.